
Megatune files to megasuqirt
Megatune files to megasuqirt

This will take a moment to process, it can take a while on slower machines or if you open several large logs. Select as many current datalogs as you’d like to and click OPEN. From the MSTweak main screen go to ‘FILE>Open Datalog’.(Read the help file for other configuration options.) Check the box next to ‘Outlier Elimination’ to enable this. 5v on most narrowband sensors, wbo2 systems vary and are sometimes programmable. Set the EGO Crossover Voltage to whatever voltage reading your o2 sensor or wbo2 system read at stoic 14.7:1 AFR (or whatever AFR you want to tune to). Open MSTweak and go to ‘EDIT>Settings’.Go to ‘FILE>VE Export’, and save your VE Table to a.Connect to your MegaSquirt using MegaTune and open your fuel/VE Table.Backup your MegaSquirt configuration first to an.The next paragraph focuses more on the tuning side of things. Here’s a step by step focusing on using MST3k to modify your tables. MSTweak is great but can be a bit confusing at first. How to use MSTweak 3000 to modify your VE Tables This will save you much frustration and get you much better logs to work with. I can’t stress enough how important it is to read the MSTweak help file (it’s short, just do it), especially the section titled ‘How to get a good datalog’. It can then suggest a corrected VE parameter for the point on the fuel map in question. Using your logs, it records all of the ‘crossover’ points and what the VE was set to at that point and what correction factor needed to be applied to bring it back to stoic. What MSTweak does is rely on the EGO correction to bring your mixture back to stoic (or back to whatever you set your crossover point at) when it’s not. Also your MegaSquirt will use the crossover point you programmed to allow you to do real-time closed-loop EGO fueling correction. MegaTune will allow you to set the crossover (stoic) voltage and will report the AFR on a gauge in MegaTune. MSTweak will make tuning your cruise and low-load VE map areas pretty straightforward. Last Updated 3-21-2006 by Jerry Hoffmann, Many of these principals are applicable for a forced induction vehicle but this was written with tuning an NA vehicle in mind. I'll have to rely on the knowledge of others to make a call on weather the sender im using is compatable "as is" or if it needs to mave some correction.(Regardless of the firmware you are using) Its started and run without the slightest hiccup or issue until now so Ive never paid too much attention to it. To be honest I don't know, Ive just used it as set up by Fridge and Nige. "Out of the box" MS1 and Megatune are both set up to match GM sensors although even those of us running a GM engine still end up having to fine tune the tables. Having incorrect thermfactor.ini files loaded in Megatune won't effect the operation of the ECU but will mess up the displayed/logged data. With MS2 you can change the settings in the front end and adjust the table on the fly but I assume you'll be running MS1 if Nige has sent you an MSQ. If you are using standard MS1 or MS1-Extra firmware the only way to calibrate the ECU so it knows what resistance is equal to what temperature is to recompile the firmware with a suitable table to match your senders. Have you got the correct thermfactor.ini files loaded in Megatune ? Have you calibrated your firmware to match the sensor ? So could it be an ECU issue? What would the effect of a fault in the load resistor problem for this circuit be? Any idea's appreciated as I really need to have it running before the end of the week if were going to make the phoenix.

Megatune files to megasuqirt software#

Ive re loaded the old MSQ for the 3.9 (which used to be fine) and it shows the same so I'm confident its not a software issue. If I disconnect the sensor the Megatune drops very very slowly to 77 deg F but will not go any lower. So I'm confident wiring and sensor is good. I finally load checked the wiring (disconnected it, Used it to power a bulb and checked for volt drop) all still seems good. Pin 20 from ECU to MAt also has no resistance and the resistance across the sensor is the same as measured from battery neg to ECU pin 20. So Ive checked the sensor, resistance seems reasonable and near as damn it identical to 2 other new AT1010's I have. (we don't expect that temp in Wales until March ) It permanently shows 99-101 deg Fahrenheit. After some logging Nige pointed out that I need to open my eyes as the IAT/MAT sensor was obviously wrong. I was kindly supplied an MSQ from Nige which should be a good starting point. To make a long story short I've just fitted a slightly tweaked 4.6 to my challenge truck.

Megatune files to megasuqirt